Benefits of Membership:
To become a member, download this application and Release of Liability form, and either bring to a meeting or mail to the Treasurer. Instructions are on the application. You must be a member of CCGC and sign the liability waiver portion of the form to attend any CCGC field trip. For questions email: [email protected] or call: 719-792-4332
Mailing address: Cañon City Geology Club; P.O. Box 522, Cañon City, CO 81215
Membership Dues: Single $20.00 (individuals 18 or older)
Immediate Family: $25.00 (spouse and children under 18 living at same address)
Annual dues (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) are due on January 1, after that date unpaid members are in arrears and cannot attend classes or field trip until currently paid for the year. You must be a member 30 days prior to attending a field trip. Members with unpaid dues after January 31, will be dropped from the roster.
Any new member joining on/after October 1 will receive membership for the remaining current year and the next calendar year.
Benefits of Membership:
- Be involved with Colorado's oldest club interested in geology, paleontology, minerals and earth sciences.
- Must be a member to attend field trips and workshops with experts.
- Will be included in the members' only list to receive current news about world class programs and field trips.
- Low membership dues allows families and friends to spend time together.
- Get to know and network with other rockhounds, geologist, paleontologist and make new friends.
- Help with identifying your favorite rock, mineral or fossil.
- Membership allows entrance to the New Hope Amethyst Claim on scheduled field trips.
To become a member, download this application and Release of Liability form, and either bring to a meeting or mail to the Treasurer. Instructions are on the application. You must be a member of CCGC and sign the liability waiver portion of the form to attend any CCGC field trip. For questions email: [email protected] or call: 719-792-4332
Mailing address: Cañon City Geology Club; P.O. Box 522, Cañon City, CO 81215
Membership Dues: Single $20.00 (individuals 18 or older)
Immediate Family: $25.00 (spouse and children under 18 living at same address)
Annual dues (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) are due on January 1, after that date unpaid members are in arrears and cannot attend classes or field trip until currently paid for the year. You must be a member 30 days prior to attending a field trip. Members with unpaid dues after January 31, will be dropped from the roster.
Any new member joining on/after October 1 will receive membership for the remaining current year and the next calendar year.
Membership Application form and Release of Liability form are shown below.
Click here or on the image to download the form.
Click here or on the image to download the form.